Sasha's photography of street art - an attempt
to preserve the rapidly vanishing masterpieces of our time Photos and accounts of Layla, Sasha, and Ljuba's globe-trotting adventures around the world.
Drawing by Ljuba Miltsova (7 years) Ljuba's art, writing, and achievements as recorded and presented by her own self.
She built and designed this web-project herself A blog by our cat, Mikluho-Maklai -
forthcoming, since he hasn't had much access to the internet lately Layla's creative, anthropological, and philosophical writing and art. Portrait by Ljuba Miltsova (5 years) Sasha's creative, sociological, and journalistic writing Layla's writing on childhood/parenthood with useful links, books, and tips on self-education for young and old. Drawing by Ljuba Miltsova (8 years) Sasha's project to present the problems of and solutions for a healthy ecology

We believe that information, knowledge, and art should be accessible for all. Behind every story, film, or essay, there are lives and people who gave their time, effort and resources to share with you ideas and quests. Texts and images are sold for money in the form of journals, books, DVDs, etc. and it is considered legitimate. We invested much of ourselves into this site and hope that it resonated with you. If you enjoyed reading our work, if it brought you something, inspired, enlightened or helped clarify things for you, please, show your appreciation by supporting it.

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