Sasha's photography of
street art - an attempt to preserve the rapidly vanishing masterpieces of our time | |
Photos and
accounts of Layla, Sasha, and Ljuba's globe-trotting adventures around
the world.
Drawing by Ljuba Miltsova (7 years) | |
art, writing, and achievements as recorded and presented by her own
self. She built and designed this web-project herself | |
A blog by our cat, Mikluho-Maklai - forthcoming, since he hasn't had much access to the internet lately | |
Layla's creative, anthropological, and philosophical writing and art. Portrait by Ljuba Miltsova (5 years) | |
Sasha's creative, sociological, and journalistic writing | |
Layla's writing on childhood/parenthood with useful links, books, and tips on self-education for young and old. Drawing by Ljuba Miltsova (8 years) | |
Sasha's project to present the problems of and solutions for a healthy ecology |